Mindful Minutes With the Merry Monk 12: Is It Important To Be A Winner? Want to be the best? Beat the competition? Come out on top? Is that it? Another way is better. Could competition share a little with collaboration? Gerry McCann 2 Comments 26 October, 2016
Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk :11 How do You Use Your Money? Where does money fit into your life? Does money compromise your human values? Here are a few thoughts to help get a better perspective. Susan McCann 1 Comments 19 October, 2016
Christian Meditation 23: Let Go, and Let God Openness to God is the key to living in the power and joy of the Holy Spirit. Feel the reality of Pentecost in your life. A Christian disciple lives by the loving will of God. Gerry McCann 2 Comments 16 October, 2016
Personal Growth: Your Journey into the Depths of all 4 Loves To give and not to count the cost, is the measure of true, deep and lasting love. Explore the 4 loves in your life. Gerry McCann 3 Comments 15 October, 2016
Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk 9: Arguing with a Loved One? Be Wise, Move On We often hurt the ones we love most. Learn how to find a better way. Be smart, focus on your love, and conquer the need to “win”. Gerry McCann 3 Comments 8 October, 2016
Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk 7: Flee Negativity You would be very careful who you let into your house. However we are far less careful what we let into our mind. Big mistake. How we use our mind dictates our quality of life. Gerry McCann 0 Comments 26 June, 2016
Christian Meditation 22: God Has Infinite Love for all His Children Many people are afraid of God and so they fear God and fear for their own future. The good news is that God with bring home to heaven all his children, and wipe away all their sins, fears and suffering. Susan McCann 0 Comments 26 June, 2016
Christian Meditation 21: Love is the Meaning of Life God is Endless and Infinite Love. Love itself must be the guiding star of all that we feel, think and do. Like God, our life should be love itself. Love alone brings everything we dream of. Susan McCann 0 Comments 19 June, 2016
Christian Meditation 20: Our Glorious Future in Heaven for all Eternity Like the Apostles, we can get so caught up in the problems and troubles of daily life. We need to raise our mind to the glorious future that awaits us in Heaven. This glimpse of Glory will strengthen and sustain us on our journey. Gerry McCann 0 Comments 12 June, 2016
Christian Meditation 19: The Mystery of Pain in our Life It is natural to hate pain and suffering. They seem so pointless. However we can use pain to learn, feel and grow in a deeper way. Suffering can call forth our love and compassion. Gerry McCann 1 Comments 7 June, 2016
Christian Meditation 18: Lord, That I Might See! We all need God’s help when it comes to the hidden fault we can all suffer from. Spiritual blindness. We must be searingly honest before God. Gerry McCann 0 Comments 22 May, 2016
Christian Meditation 17: Sinners Welcome at My Table God sets the bar very high for us when he commands that we love, respect and forgive all sinners. But, with the help of God’s Spirit of Love, we can also scale the heights of love. Gerry McCann 0 Comments 15 May, 2016
Christian Meditation 16: Healing and Forgiveness of Sins God is love, and yet Christians are often uncertain what God wants, especially in times of sickness. Where is the Christian ministry of healing today, and in your life? Gerry McCann 0 Comments 8 May, 2016
Personal Growth, Whose Life Agenda Do You Follow? Yours or Someone else’s? Are you really your own person? Do you sometimes feel cajoled, tricked or even compelled to do what others want? Do you sometimes feel trapped? We are all conditioned by other people. To be truly free & happy you must decide for yourself. Be you! Not selfish. Not unloving. Not indifferent. But Just be YOU! Gerry McCann 2 Comments 7 May, 2016
Christian Meditation 15: Holiness, the Perfect Will of God The goal to which all Christians are striving is holiness. Sometimes we’re confused as to what exactly this means. It seems almost an impossible dream. “Who me? Holy?” Yes, and paradoxically it is simplicity itself: just say YES to God in everything. Gerry McCann 0 Comments 1 May, 2016
Christian Meditation 14: The Golden Rule of Love If we are unsure how to deal with other people, the Golden Rule makes it easy. It simply asks would you like them to do that to you. The Golden Rule alone develops loving and authentic relationships: the very essence of happiness. Gerry McCann 2 Comments 17 April, 2016
Christian Meditation 13: Walking With God God’s abundant grace is all around us, everywhere we go, in our daily walk with God. We pray for the faith to believe and live this beautiful truth. Gerry McCann 0 Comments 10 April, 2016
Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk 6: Wisdom in Your Life We all would love to possess true wisdom of mind and heart. As we know, the royal road to wisdom is to ask the right questions. Why not discover new and better ways to achieve success and all you deserve? Gerry McCann 2 Comments 10 April, 2016
Christian Meditation 12: You Must Avoid This At All Costs We are all severely tempted to judge others at times. We Christians know that Jesus tells us not to judge. This is a great challange to all of us, an ongoing journey. Gerry McCann 0 Comments 3 April, 2016
Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk 5: Wisdom and Focus How committed are you to learning all you need to make your dreams come true? Wisdom never surrenders herself to the lazy mind and heart. So why not become all you can be, and live your life using much more of your full potential? Gerry McCann 2 Comments 27 March, 2016