Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk :11 How do You Use Your Money?

Where does money fit into your life? Does money compromise your human values? Here are a few thoughts to help get a better perspective.

Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk
Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk
Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk :11 How do You Use Your Money?

Hi there and welcome, this is Gerry McCann the Merry Monk.

Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk

11: How do You Use Your Money?

Thanks for listening. Let’s all continue to help make this world a better place.

Gerry McCann

The Merry Monk

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“Mindful Minutes with the Merry Monk :11 How do You Use Your Money?”

  1. Wandera Baker says:

    Interesting article

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