Christian Meditation 5: A Passion for Justice
Here we focus on those who stand up for justice, even at great personal cost. Such heroes deserve our admiration, gratitude and imitation. Ask yourself – am I afraid to speak up for my values? Could I be better in the future? Am I just? Honest? True in all I do? Have you a passion to see justice done?
Hi there, Welcome to our Christian Meditations.
True Discipleship of Jesus, Called to Live the Beatitudes.
The 8 Beatitudes outline some of the essential virtues for living the Christian life to the full. In this meditation we focus on justice.
Our Bible text for this meditation is (Mat. 5:6)
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
Peace and blessings to you and your loved-ones
Rev. Gerry McCann
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